Flatbread Pizza
This flatbread pizza is the easiest pizza you’ll ever make. It is a gourmet pizza that will make you taste buds happy. The other wonderful thing about this recipe is that everyone in your family can build their own personal pizza. This dish makes my kids happy campers!
~ A Note About the Nester ~
Every summer we take a trip to Montana. This trip is mostly for my husband who loves to fly fish the blue ribbon trout streams just outside the town of Missoula. The highlight for the other family members is the dining out at various restaurants. We have one that we all love, Bigga Pizza. Don’t you just love the name?! They have the best-carmelized garlic and onion pizza that we always order. This gourmet pizza is the inspiration for this recipe!
This combo is so yummy, just looking at this photo makes me want a second piece. Too bad I started a serious diet this week. Let’s get started on your flatbread pizzas.
Flat bread or Naan, here are the links on Amazon: Flatbread/Lavash, Naan
1 Garlic bulb
Onions bell peppers, mushrooms, and any other favorite toppings
Goat Cheese
Pesto or pizza sauce (if you prefer a sauce, I actually like mine plain)
Good Olive Oil, here is my favorite olive oil on Amazon: Napa Valley Olive Oil
Roasted Garlic Instructions:
Make this the day ahead and store for the following day. If you are going to roast a bulb of garlic, peel off the outer skin of the garlic. Cut off the top of the bulb. Drizzle olive oil and sprinkle with salt. Place the garlic in tin foil and bake at 350 degrees for about 35 minutes. The cloves the garlic should be soft and mushy. Let the garlic cool before handling. Skin the garlic and remove the roasted cloves, it is now ready to place on your pizza.
Roasted Veggies Instructions:
Prepare vegetables by slicing. Place in a bowl and sprinkle with olive oil and kosher salt. Mix well to thoroughly coat the vegetables with oil. If you are roasting mushrooms, place them in a separate container since they tend to be moist and release a lot of water. Place all the vegetables on a cookie sheet (can line with aluminum foil) and bake for 30-40 minutes at 350 degrees. Watch them last couple of minutes of roasting since they can burn easily. Just a note, in the photo below is one whole onion!
1.Toast your bread. I just like to brush a little olive oil on both sides and lightly toast them on a skillet. If you are hosting a pizza party, it would be good to make everything ahead of time and place each ingredient on a plate. You can also have the naan ready, by grilling them before your company arrives.
2. Next you’ll want to spread the garlic on the naan. To spread, I just use my hands, but you can also use a knife.
3. Create your masterpiece. Then just add your ingredients and have fun creating your delicious pizza! Toast or place in oven till cheese melts.
This pizza will fill your kitchen with wonderful smells and it will impress your family at mealtime. I don’t think, I can eat another frozen pizza again. This is such an easy meal that you can add a nice salad on the side and you are ready for dinner or a nice lunch. The beauty of this recipe is that you can prep the vegetables ahead of time and so little needs to be done if you are having company. I know the next time I have some friends over for dinner, I’m going to serve these fun pizzas. Drop me a note and let me know if you enjoyed this post, I would love to hear from all of you!
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This looks so yummy and I watched your periscope too!
Ah, thanks for watching my scope! Have you been on periscope? I would love to view you too! Thanks for your comment and visit.
I remember eating these with you and Daidri, so delicious!!! I think I’m going to make them during the superbowl for the boys!!!