to trade with them and i totally wouldn’t part with these great cookies!
planet box giveaway
like all you mom’s out there, we pack our kids lunchboxes during the week, and one morning i was getting them ready for the school day and i thought i should blog about this. so, i recently posted a photo of my children’s lunchboxes on instagram and it was a popular post. i have searched far and wide for a lunchbox solution that doesn’t use a ton of plastic bags or plastic for that matter. my friend monica, told me about her favorite product, planet box. i just love these lunchboxes so much, that i contacted the company and they so graciously sent out their shuttle box (link on amazon: shuttle box for snacks and small lunches. so i decided to pass it along to you and giveaway the one that they sent me. i hope you find this post helpful for your next year of school lunches and thanks so much for visiting my blog, i really appreciate you!
giveaway rules:
~ the shuttle box (the photo above of a purple snack box) is what i’m giving away.
~ simply leave a comment below if you want to be a part of the giveaway.
~ the winner will be announced on wednesday, good luck to everyone!
the inside has a sleeve so that you can place an ice pack against the food.
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Lisa @ Texas Decor
Yes!!! You fixed it! You're definitely smarter than me if you can figure out Google +! 🙂 So glad I can start commenting now. Have a great day!!
Janine Waite
Hi Lisa!
Oh my goodness we did it! It wasn't too difficult. Do you have blogger for your blog? I'll hop on over and go through your commenting process. Thanks so much!!! I love your yellow rose!
Thank you, thank you!
Lisa @ Texas Decor
Hey there! Yep, I have blogger for my blog. So far, it's been pretty easy to navigate, but I heavily rely on my sons and husband to walk me through lots of stuff. Ha! Right now, I'm working on getting a Home Tour up on my blog. I've been working all day trying to get a button to install on my sidebar so people can just click on it to see my tour. Ugh. So. Much. Work. 🙂 Hopefully I'll post my home tour later this week, fingers crossed. 😉 So glad we connected through IG!
Janine Waite
Hi Lisa,
That's great you're liking blogger. I think my scenario is a little more complicated since I'm connected to people via google + Now I have to go to 2 places to view comments. Strange.
So, with the button on the side, are you using a widget? I can't wait to see it! Also, a tour of your home will be nice. Good luck with it. Keep me posted.
Yes, glad to have connected.
Lisa @ Texas Decor
Oh my goodness…sorry it took me so long to respond. I just happened to come back here and I saw that you replied to my comment. It probably works differently on blogger, but on your blog, I don't know if you replied to my comment unless I come back here and refresh the page and check. On blogger, I can respond to comments via email (as long as the person commenting has an email address associated with their account) If I get an "anonymous" comment, I just have to reply to them in the comments section. Does any of that make sense? Lol! I also wanted to let you know that I did reply to your sweet comment on my blog, but for some reason, you're showing up as a "no-reply" blogger (which just means that you don't have an email address associated with you that I can reply to) so I replied to your comment in the comments section. (kind of like you did here with my comment) I just didn't want you to think I was ignoring your sweet comment. 🙂 Okay, now I've probably totally managed to confuse you on the whole commenting thing! I know that when you sign up on Google Plus, you automatically show up as a "no reply" blogger, but supposedly you can change that in your settings. Anyway, I think my home tour button will be installed as a gadget. It will just look like a little picture frame with the words "click here for home tour" in it. Or something like that. I need to get started on that. I sure hope I can figure out how to make it all work. 🙂 Happy Monday!!
sandyhills x
Would love to be a part of the giveaway. This is great and will be great for the children shaunie @
Janine Waite
Thanks so much Sandy for commenting on my blog! You're right, it is a great little snack box. We love the lunch boxes and even my son who is in high school takes his lunch in one. We definitely take off the magnets and now he wants a black carry bag for it! Thanks again, and I've got your name in the giveaway. I'll be announcing the winner tomorrow morning.
Alicia Bathke
This is super cute! I'll have to find you on Pinterest. That's my favorite place to find new lunch ideas for my 10 year old daughter 🙂
Janine Waite
Hi Alicia,
Oh I'm glad you found me! Yes, I do love these lunch boxes! Even my son is using his in High School. We did take the magnets off and I now I have to buy him a black bag. I love making the lunches for it and it is nice that the stainless steel just goes in the dishwasher. See ya on Pinterest and I'm also on Instagram! Good luck with the giveaway! And Thanks for commenting!